Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Three Days to Go!

Fernweh (n): an ache for travel, the yearning to see faraway places (German)

Three days before my departure, I can't think of a word, in German or otherwise, that better describes how I'm feeling. Driving today I felt an inexplicable urge to turn down the highway that would take me to the airport, even though it was in the opposite direction of where I was going. I can't believe that something I have been dreaming about for years is only three days away. It feels surreal, somehow like my trip has already happened and like it's still months away at the same time. 

I am going to Munich, and I am leaving in three days. 

I have so many questions, ranging from the mundane Have I packed enough socks? to the more abstract Will I be the same person when I get home? And so I started this blog as a way to chronicle all the questions (and hopefully, answers) I find on my journey. This is something deeply personal but also something I feel compelled to share, and hopefully this will be a place where anyone who is interested can follow my adventures and where I can do a little bit of reflecting. 

Well, since I haven't actually left yet, I don't have much of interest to share. I guess this post can be thought of as an introduction to the blog and my experiences, the prologue to a story I haven't written yet. And there is nothing more exciting than the first page of a book. 

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